Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why do we always have an answer or advice for others, but can never answer are own questions or problems?

When it is NOT your problem, your response is not emotional. The best answers stem from logic where emotion does not get in the way.

When it is YOUR problem, you probably DO know the answer...you just don't like it because your emotions get in the way.

Should I stop my relationship with this girl or boy. YES, well, I don't like that answer so let me think of another answer different than the correct answer...hmmm...emotions get in the way... so you deliberate over another answer.Why do we always have an answer or advice for others, but can never answer are own questions or problems?
I ask what I don't know about. I answer what I do know about.Why do we always have an answer or advice for others, but can never answer are own questions or problems?
Good question,I think its because its allot easier to give advice outside of ourselves we can think more logically when its not our own problem.Many of us don't know how to answer our own questions,but I think if we all learn to step outside our lives for a moment and pretend we are looking from outside in,we can clearly see the answer.
It is simple, I can live my own screwed up life - then come on here and pass judgement on the way others live theres! I may not be capable of making good decisions in my own life, but I make myself feel a hell of a lot better by advising others with their own. It is similar to therapy, only free and I get to wear my pj's...I like my laptop much more than any shrink I have ever met.
Cause we can only know so much. That's why Yahoo answers is great.
uuuuhhhh....I don't know.
Because we all think that we are special cases and the normal rules of reality don't apply to our situations.
we don't like to look deep within ourselves to come up with answers. Easier to have someone else do it for us.
two heads are better than one

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