Tuesday, November 22, 2011

PLEASE help?? Girlfriend problems... Advice??

Okay, ive got together with someone (nearly 2 months ago) and i love her but she doesnt love me (she says it takes time so fair enough) but i feel like shes not really 100% mine becuase i never see her (shes sooo busy) and she doesnt ever talk about personal things. (fair enough) anyways, im trying to put my all into the relationship cus i really want her to truly b mine instead of 'just another bf' but i never see her so i cant!! How do i get her love and make her the happiest girl alive??? Anything would be appriciated, its driving me insain!PLEASE help?? Girlfriend problems... Advice??
From a girl's side...you're already doing everything you can...any girl would kill to have a bf who wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, and want to put his all into the relationship because some guys just want to hang out with their friends all the time and seem to not care too much about the commitment aspect of the relationship...so if she doesn't take the time to appreciate your gestures then maybe she is not the one for you...it may not want to be what you want to hear but if you take the time to realize that you are putting in way more of an effort than she is...maybe you shouldn't...because unless she starts contributing more...because you are already doing enough...you can't have a good relationship with only one person working for it...i hope this helped...PLEASE help?? Girlfriend problems... Advice??
Give her her space and quite trying to be so controlling!
first of all u sound quite desparate. how about taking things slowly and letting the relationship grow to that level. don't rush things. she will slowly open up to you when the time is right.
okay, here is my best advice. tell her how you feel. give her, her space. dont make abig deal out of it cause it will spook her off. no one hsould fall in love in 2 mo. lust and well being should be it at this point. love comes in its own sweet time dont rush it or it will never work
Don't get your hopes too high b/c if she is not that into you then you will only be hurt. How many times have you seen her in 2 months? If you are seeing her at least once a week then she prob does like you. If you think she really likes you then flowers work. Compliment her when you see her- that works for me. Maybe you shouldn't go overboard b/c you don't want to push her away. Once she gives you signs that she is into you THEN you can go all out- FLOWERS, sweet cards (don't have to say love), romantic dates ect. Let us know when you find out she IS into you then we can help more. Good luck!
Open relationships are the only ones worth having! Make a specal time to tell her all these things about how you feel! Take her out or something. Be careful to make sure that she is as dedicated to the relationship as you seem to be or else you could be setting yourself up for heartache!
Move on and get over her. Find someone who will be just as into you as you are to them. Dont chase something that doesn't want to be caught. Besides you shouldn't act like you are going to drop everything for her because that just makes you seem desperate. If you back off a little and distance yourself maybe she will start to like you back. Otherwise move on.
Back off a little! Not to alarm you, but you may be in danger of scaring her away, so maybe cool it giver her a chance to initiate contact.

You can't make someone love you, so just know that if you two are truly right for each other she will naturally fall in love with you, too.
hi! Sounds like you're putting in 100% into something and not getting that much back. You want to make her the happiest girl alive, and you deserve that in return.

Just give her time... although I do know that you have to be on the same page in a realtionship :)
You can only do so much and at that point she has to put some effort into it. If you're making time to see her but she just can't seem to clear even an hour of her time for you then I'd have to say you should just break up. There's no point in dating somebody who you never see and who isn't willing to put their all into a relationship when you so clearly are.
You trying too hard and being very needy, she will run from you soon enough.

Dump her and stop talking to her, start dating other women. (I know you wont do it but its your best shot)

Mark my words if you dont believe me. Also, how old are you two?
You know what I truly really wish I could help you out but if someone doesnt love you then they dont love you. There isnt any special pill or recipe to have someone fall in love with you. It seems like she giving you the brush off. If you really want to see if she cares for you start ignoring her play hard to get dont answer her phone calls. Sometimes when you are all over a girl they lose interest you have to play it off a little dont smother her. I know from experience when you act like you dont care they are all over you. Well sometimes lol if they are interested in you.
Sounds like she really isn't into you that much. 2 months is a good amount of time to get to know someone, but if you 2 are never together that much, it's a little different. It really seems like you 2 are not really even together. Reread what you posted, it's all there. She isn't into you and you should be tru to yourself and find someone that is into you. Who knows, that hotty you are looking for might be already there and waiting for you to open your eyes.
yo bro you gotta stop this if you dont see her and she doesnt say anything that means that ure in a relationship dont try to impress her. she might not even like u bro she should do something thats relationship-like

bro are you like in 5th grade?
You really can't force a relationship on someone.. Why don't you hardly see her? is it by choice or do you not live close enough to her? I don't understand. You should never give your all to someone who doesn't 1.) appreciates it 2.) even wants it! In your case I don't think you and your gf are even on the same page. She's not even comfortable enough with you to discuss private/personal issues. Move on. You deserve better!

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