Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Friends... and problems.. ADVICE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!?

My friends have been being big jerks lately. They have been rude and insensitive. I really like this guy in the group. I've liked him for one year but I have back off like him for 5 months and avoided him. I came back and he does not like me. I feel like he needs to grow up or I should move on. I need to make new friends so I can forget about them and get them off my mind like last year. I know that if I start avoiding them again...history will repeat itself. I will be alone in the library during lunch and it will gnaw at me. I don't really dress nice.. .so it is hard to get a boy to like me and just go for my personally..I'm a junior in high school and never had my first kiss. I know that if I don't act now... I feel like I will be 23 and never really met someone. I need to one of these options or extra advice..

1. Leave my friends in the dust and meet new ones.

2. Stay with my friend and deal with their annoyance.

3. Have effort to dress nice and be uncomortable and probably be a ***** having history repeat it's self once more.

4. Be who I am.

5. Get I life and stop trying to think about it so hard and stress your self out.

6.Maybe if I was a bit more social I won't be so alone.

Please help me out I need advice.. on friendships!Friends... and problems.. ADVICE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!?
i think you should do a mix of those options. i don't think staying with friends you hate will work. ever. be more social but STAY YOURSELF! that's the most important. do something you like, like the play or sports and find friends that way. i think if you are comfortable with who you are, friends and boys will follow. it sounds like you are in a bad place at the moment, with bad friends and the best thing to do would be to move on.

good luck!

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