Tuesday, November 22, 2011

7 month old sleep problems!!! Advice?

My 7 month old has terrible sleeping problems, thought us co-sleeping I'm sure hasn't helped...She still does sleep through the night and will want usually two bottles throughout the night. She just starting rolling all about a few weeks ago which also makes for terrible sleep for us all...She'll roll and roll like she can't get comfortable. She sleeps in the crib for ALL naps, but screams her head off if we put her it or the Pack n Play at night.

Yes, we feed her cereal three times a day

Yes, she naps well

She is formula and babyfood fed7 month old sleep problems!!! Advice?
dont let her nap during the day try that7 month old sleep problems!!! Advice?
move your nap time back an hour or so. This way she has more time to wear out before bed. You can start feeding her more foods besides cereal and babyfood, like mashed pots that will leave her fuller. Play with her and wear her out! practice walking helping her and stuff like that. Have crawling contests. etc. when you put her down to sleep sit with her or lay on the floor so she knows your there for a while.
She's used to a certain routine . . . but you need to change it for your own health and sanity! Here's what we did when our kids were 5-8 months old, and not sleeping (still eating) through the night:

1) after making sure they have everything they need, (aren't thirsty, hungry, wet, cold, etc.), put them in the crib.

2) when they cry the first time, go in, touch them, comfort for 30 seconds.

3) If they're still crying, after waiting 3 or 4 minutes, go and stand next to the crib, speak comforting words.

4) repeat the process, lengthening time, a couple of times, trying to stand farther back each time, till finally, just in the doorway.

It seems cruel, but they really just need to learn that they can fall asleep on their own in their own little beds. Otherwise, what we do to comfort them BECOMES their routine. This will help her learn to get comfortable %26amp; fall asleep by herself if she wakes in the middle of the night, not to cry and need to be 'put down' again. She needs to know she can do it, and I promise it isn't cruel, in the end!

By 7 months old, they should be easily able to sleep for 5-6 hours at a stretch.

Good luck!
Wow, exactly the same problem with me!! My son is 7 months old and wakes 2-3 times a night to eat and rolls all over the bed that we co-sleep with him in. My son takes naps in his crib too. The thing that helps us is that we have a bottle with two oz. of water in it next to the bed with one scoop of fornula measured out next to it. We just mix it up and feed him on the spot. That way he doesnt have to actually wait for a bottle to be made. We used to give him 4 oz. and we cut it down to only 2 oz. because I know he isnt actually hungry. He just wants that comfort. He moved from waking up 5 times a night to only one or two now. He hates to sleep in his pack n play too so next week we are moving his crib in our room and we are going to put him in there through the night. It may be hard at first but the other morning I woke up before him and came into the living room. A half an hour later I heard a big thump then a cry. He had rolled off the bed!! He is perfectly fine and only cried for like 5 sec. but thats scary and from now on he just cant sleep in our bed without us there. In a few months we will move the crib out of our room. It is going to have to be a slow transition. I hope that some of my suggestions might help!!

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